About Me

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In my not very humble and perfectly correct opinion, Hampton Roads is long-overdue for a straightforward, honest reviewer of all things theatrical who isn't afraid to sign the bottom of the review! The anonymity of blog reviewers has caused a stir in our community. We've called them cowards. We've set up a Facebook page giving everyone a chance to sound off on each other anonymously. Now, I offer a blog lampooning the style of The Theater Babe, complete with "sexy" tree stump pose, while still giving critical insight on what's playing in Hampton Roads. I intend to give a fair assessment of what I see regardless of whether I know the actors or creative team. I'll always let the public know why they should see every show. Keep in mind that I'm only stating one person's opinion: my own. If you have any questions or want more information about my opinions, feel free to message me and I'll gladly discuss it. Though I'm perfectly capable of ignoring negativity, be aware that if your response to a review is to attempt to undermine my opinion or insult me personally, you are probably the reason reviewers have remained anonymous. Enjoy, don't take it too seriously, and break legs! Jonathan
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